

Designed in Bangkok on a notebook computer;
computer cut at Visy Board in Australia
and finally assembled in Paris,
a detailed documentation process was absolutely necessary.


- 480 sheets of corrugated cardboard

- 2750x1650mm each

- 120 different cutting patterns

- just under 2000 individual pieces.


Each cutting pattern also contains the instructions for the crease lines. Large scale industrial plotters like the one above could theoretically also do the labelling, however whilst the plotter cuts and creases the sheet in the front there is time to label the previously cut shapes manually. Printouts for labelling offer an efficient means to check whether the design is the right way round or mirrored. sample (105KB).



If I construct the works myself, labelled VRML models are generally sufficient to guide the assembly process. sample (30KB).

In this case, however, I decided to build scale models, label each piece and take a digital still image for every step. These were then commented to provide a comprehensive assembly guide for each different element. sample.


HOST in Sydney, 1999

New architectural elements.




