HOST - Planning of the Choreography through VRML

With the release of the VRML 2.o specifications it became possible to include morphing geometry, the transformation of objects, animated camerapaths and sound effects into the scenarios. Some time during my residency at the CSIRO was used to thoroughly look at the possibilities whilst keeping the file sizes to an absolute minimum.
Whilst VRML 2.o offers all the possibilities, moves other than along the coordinate axes or plain rotations are very time consuming.
The stick figure will slowly get up from its position on knees and hands. Uses coordinate interpolation: file size 4K .

Five stick figures drop to the floor and do push-ups at different speeds. Rotate the whole scene so you see the 5 stick-figures through the semi-transparent floor and it looks as if they were trying to break out of something. Uses coordinate interpolation and a random interpolation script: file size 16K .

As soon as the browser is activated a 'START' button appears which unfolds a large segment from a rectilinear block into a potential backdrop scenery. Uses position and orientation interpolation and an animated viewpoint: file size 17K .

A stick figure topples a rectilinear block shape and unfolds it on the floor. Uses position, orientation and coordinate interpolation, sound effects and an animated viewpoint: file size 17K , sound files 9K and 30K.

A rectilinear block shape has a sculpturally shaped segment pushed out by a figure. The camera zooms in and enters through the resulting opening. Inside the irregular geometry the movement is towards a rostra. After a while the stick figure appears, topples a side wall and pushes it away. The browser controls appear for the viewers own exploration. Uses position, orientation and coordinate interpolation, sound effects and an animated viewpoint: file size 25K , sound files 9K and 30K.

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