HOST - Architectural Fragments

In addition to the basic concave and convex elements, a total of 5 other basic elements were designed. All of them with the outer dimensions of 3.9 x 2.4 x 1.4-1.9 meters. Each element had a 'partner' element so that they could join up to form a rectilinear box. In addition to the basic elements a moveable 'audio/light' unit was designed and a ceiling piece which was very important for creating a sense of an enveloping transformed space.
Two elements pushed together to form a rectilinear solid on the outside. In this case the combination of a 'window' element and a 'stair' element offer room inside for a number of performers (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

A 'window' element on its side. Rather than creating a proper window, the idea was to take the basic dimension of the arched windows in the St. Georges Hall and partly imprint them into the matrix of a basic 'positive' element (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

The 'stairs' element. Again, not proper stairs, just the basic dimensions of height and depth of the steps leading up to the stage, melted onto a basic 'negative' element. Stairs that couldn't be walked on caused some frustration amongst the performers ... (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

A 'deeply excavated' element resulting in an opening on the side, which invited the performers to enter the element - and the audience to peek in (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

The partner to the 'deeply excavated' element. Basically a windows element which is partly concealed by a bulbous growth. Growth and excavation fit into each other when combined to form a rectilinear solid (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

The 'audio/light' unit consisted of a window element implanted into a basic positive element. Spouts to the sides join the elements together and function as loudspeaker openings. A 15 degree lean towards the front and some internal lighting resulted in an object that looked totally different depending on the viewing angle. Being on a movable rostra, the unit could easily be moved despite its rather large overall size (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

The 'ceiling' piece. It has been designed from perspectively distorted window and stair elements with blind panels between them. Quite an eclectic construct it could be lowered as a whole or tilted on either side. Sophisticated lighting, however was all it needed to animate it effectively (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

A detail of the 'ceiling' piece (Photo: Heidrun Löhr).

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