Eisenman Re-visited

Through a number of video segments I am attempting to show a possible conversion of a right-angled building into an architectural hybrid consisting of the original architecture partly deconstructed, replaced and appended by a newly generated sculptural space.

Around 1968, Peter Eisenman limited himself to "a set of abstract formal propositions as a possible condition of an underlying structure and their initial transformation into a specific environment" for the design of 'House II' [PETEREISENMANHOUSESOFCARDS, Oxford University Press, 1987]. It was subsequently built in 1969/70 as the Falk Residence in Hardwick, Vermont, USA.

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The formal propositions are the line, the plane, and the volume. Whilst Eisenman uses a compositional diagonal, all the construction elements are rectangular. This building, the epitome of rectilinearity has been chosen by me as the ideal object for a transformation.

Despite its reductionist choice of geometrically simple construction elements, House II is a spatially complex building which set a strong example toward freeing architecture from the doctrine "Form follows function". The complexity is the result of a set of formal rules that are given highest priority for the design process. A certain level of functionality is introduced in the final design steps.

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