Eisenman Re-visited (continued)

23 vertex points have been inserted by me into the 'deeper structure' of House II. These 23 vertex points define a triangulated surface, roughly in the shape of an egg. This surface has then been subjected to an 'interactive growth function'. Interactive in this context means that certain vertex points are on offer for selection as the center of the next growth step. Once a vertex point is selected, a new vertex point and two new triangles are created Thus the structure grows outward.

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In repeating this growth process 100 times a sculptural space was defined within the building - at times breaking through the boundary volume of the original architecture.

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The original architectural elements (columns, walls, ceilings, etc.) within the sculptural space were intersected with the sculptural triangles and removed.

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In analogy to Eisenman, the final design step entailed the restoration of a certain level of functionality by cutting openings into the sculptural surface allowing one to move from the remaining architectural space into the new sculptural space and vice versa. Movement through the sculptural space is guided through unobtrusive glass walkways, bridges and sets of stairs.

For further information about Peter Eisenman go to Stanford Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts - a resource compiled to coincide with Peter Eisenman's lecture there on 9 March 1998.

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