- 30/6/98


This diary page contains a list of projects executed during my residency including 'Virtual Workbench Exercises', simple VRML animations, JAVA etc.

11 June - 2pm

Seminar at the
School of Art & Design,
Auckland Institute of Technology
New Zealand

22 April - 1pm

Forum at Ivan Dougherty Gallery

16 April - 16 May

'Incision and Drainage of a gallery corner', 1998

will be exhibited at the
Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Sydney
as part of the exhibition

After The Masters: MFA 1993-1997 Selected Work

After the Masters is an exhibition highlighting the work of selected graduates from the last five years fo the Master of Fine Arts at the University of New South Wales, College of Fine Arts. The exhibition examines the current work practices of these former students and presents a wide variety of paths taken. It reveals the great diversity, in subject, in materials and intent, of these successful artists.
curators: Nick Waterlow and Jennifer Hardy

Ivan Dougherty Gallery, Cnr Albion Ave and Selwyn St, Paddington, NSW 2021, Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 1-5.

14 April - 25 April

22 February 1998, 2pm
Target Theatre - Powerhouse Museum, 500 Harris Street, Ultimo

Presentation at the
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney
organised by


Based on projects realised during the past three years, I will present an overview of what is possible in the area of CAD, computer animation, Virtual Reality display options , and Automated Manufacturing. The main focus, however, will be on VRML, the 3D equivalent to text and image browsing through the World Wide Web.

Whilst utilising some of the latest high-end technologies it is interesting to consider how these technologies might affect society, and how a sculptural or architectural language can be derived from them. Concepts such as Intuitive Irregularity, Natural Imperfection and Marginalised Geometries have become important to me. I think they have the potential to counterbalance Rectilinearity, Square-Mindedness and Reductivist Normalisation Processes.

27 January - 21 February 1998

Temporary Installation at the

Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney.

26 August 1997

Presentation of the 'Constructing the Amorphous' Project at the

A+N=D ? - Symposium

Assembled and hosted by Peter Droege, this symposium explores directions for art & design ideas & practice that promise to help us 'touch the earth more lightly, intelligently and interestingly'.

An - AUSTRALIAN PERSPECTA 1997 - Between Art and Nature Feature

6/7 to 13/7

Presentation of the 'Constructing the Amorphous' Project


Biennial Oceanic Architecture and Design Student Conference
Deakin University Geelong

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